Academic Degree
Master's Degree
General Objectives
- To qualify for the achievement of health gains arising from nursing care for the person who experiences complex processes of critical illness and or organic failure, response in situations of catastrophe and multivitamin emergency, and control of the infection, taking into account the dimension ethics and deontology of the profession;
- Empower leadership, resource management and care, to optimize nursing and health team responses, aiming at improving the quality of care for the person and family experiencing complex critical situations and / or organic bankruptcy, and the appropriate response to catastrophic and emergency situations;
- Encourage the production, appropriation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, assuring the ethical and social responsibility of nursing.
CNAEF Classification
(723) Portaria n.º 256/2005 [PT]
Study Programme/Publication in the Portuguese Official Gazette
3 semesters Total Hours: 2520 Hours; Contact hours: 1050 Hours
Career Opportunities
The Masters in Nursing of the Person in Critical Situation carry out liberal professional activity or in public or private institutions, national or foreign, namely:
- General and specialized hospitals;
- Prehospital Emergency;
- 3rd sector organizations;
- Health centers;
- Medical and Nursing Clinics.
Admission Requirements
- Bachelors Degree in Nursing or legal equivalent;
- Holders of a foreign higher academic degree recognised as meeting the objectives of the bachelors degree;
- Holders of academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognised as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle;
- Holders of a bachelors degree or legal equivalent in the areas of Nursing;
- Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, resulting from a 1st cycle of studies organised according to the principles of the Bologna Process, in the area of Nursing.
Selection And Ranking Criteria
- Academic curriculum;
- Scientific curriculum;
- Professional curriculum;
- Complementary training;
- Candidates may be subjected to interview for selection and ranking.
Resolution Date
A3ES Deliberation
Registry Date
Accreditation Validity