A) Opening and Closing Session, Plenary Lectures, Book Launch and Roundtable


ICHoLS XIII Opening Session (25/08/2014):
Plenary Lecture of Margaret Thomas: “What do we talk about, when we talk about the history of linguistics? A view from the United States” (25/08/2014):

Book Launch: E.F.K. Koerner, Rolf Kemmler and Cristina Altman: “Quatro décadas de historiografia linguística: estudos selecionados” (25/08/2014):
Plenary Lecture of Ricardo Cavaliere: “On the concept of grammatical tradition and its application to linguistic studies in Brazil” (26/08/2014):

Plenary Lecture of Marli Quadros Leite: “Grammaires brésiliennes de la langue portugaise des XXe et XXIe siècles” (26/08/2014):
Roundtable “History of the Language Sciences: Past, Present and Future”: E.F.K. Koerner, Hans-Josef Niederehe, Bernard Colombat, Pierre Swiggers, Nicola McLelland & Thomas Craig Christy (27/08/2014):

Plenary Lecture of Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres: “El trasfondo de la lingüística misionera española: a modo de evaluación” (28/08/2014):
Plenary Lecture of Serhii Wakúlenko: “The Rationalization of the Semiotic Theory in the 18th Century: Approaches by Christian Wolff and Luís António Vernei” (29/08/2014):

ICHoLS XIII Closing Session (29/08/2014):


B) Musical Interpretations


ICHoLS XIII Opening Session: Musical Interpretation of “Gaudeamus Igitur” by Artur Guimarães and Bel Viana (25/08/2014):
ICHoLS XIII Opening Session: Musical Interpretation of “I dreamed a dream” by Artur Guimarães and Bel Viana (25/08/2014):

ICHoLS XIII Opening Session: Musical Interpretation of “Fado de Titânia” by Artur Guimarães and Bel Viana (25/08/2014):


C) Interviews


Interview with Prof. E.F.K. Koerner (Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft / Centre for General Linguistics, Germany), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):
Interview with Prof. Pierre Swiggers (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):

Interview with Prof. Douglas A. Kibbee (University of Illinois, USA), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):
Interview with Prof. Hans-Josef Niederehe (University of Trier, Germany), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):

Interview with Prof. Margaret Thomas (Boston College, USA), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):
Interview with Prof. Ricardo Stavola Cavaliere (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brasil), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):

Interview with Prof. Bernard Colombat (Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, France), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):
Interview with Prof. Jacqueline Léon (Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7, France), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):

Interview with Prof. Otto Zwartjes (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):
Interview with Prof. Nicola McLelland (University of Nottingham, UK), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):

Interview with Prof. Thomas Craig Christy (University of Northern Alabama, USA), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):
Interview with Prof. Gerda Haßler (University of Potsdam, Germany), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):

Interview with Prof. Ascensión Hernández Triviño (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), at ICHoLS XIII (25-29 August 2014, Vila Real, UTAD):